Maeiee's Dart Adventures:Exploring the World of Dart SDK

This blog series explores the Dart SDK internals, guiding readers through its compiler framework and more.

This series, seen through Maeiee's eyes, provides practical tips and insights for both new and experienced developers. Join us to unlock Dart's potential and enhance your coding skills!

01 Warm-up: How to turn a string into an abstract syntax tree

You may have heard of abstract syntax trees, even if you've never used one. Abstract syntax trees are fundamental components of programming languages and compilers.

02 Component: the Compiler's View of a Dart Project

A Dart project typically consists of multiple Dart files, each acting as a syntax tree. The inter-referential relationships between these files are intricate and complex. How does the Dart compiler manage these multiple files within a project?


1.如何编译 Dart SDK



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